These last few days before Halloween are filled with excitement and opportunities for lots of good fun. We enjoy our after Supper walk even more this time of year! Breathing in the cool, crisp Autumn air. The colorful displays of Halloween decorations adorning our streets is a welcome sight. Ghosts and goblins hanging from trees. Pumpkins and mums grace countless front porches. Front yards turned into make-shift graveyards.
Autumn colors are in full swing across many parts of North America this week. Rich shades of crimson and burnt oranges, Fading greens turning into bright yellows. Trees ablaze with reds of every shade.
Later this week school hallways, shopping malls and streets will be brimming with excited trick-or-treaters. All wearing this year’s spooky costumes! They'll be carrying those colorful plastic jack-o-lanterns to hold all their treats. School teachers and legions of volunteers are busy preparing for Halloween parties!
Haunted Houses, Spooky Mansions, Corn mazes and Pumpkin patches offer Autumn fun for kids of all ages! Fall is such a fun-filled and beautiful time of year.
Autumn is the perfect season to savor the fruits of another plentiful harvest. Healthy eating is fun and easy during this wonderful time of the year. Apples of every variety fill store shelves. Squash, Peppers, tomatoes, and fresh vegetables galore. Pumpkins are very inexpensive this month and quite nutritious too. Try some roasted pumpkin seeds after you carve up that Jack-o-Lantern! Or, try this easy pumpkin bread!
So enjoy this special time of year eating healthy foods! Try your hand at an easy and tasty chili. Or how about a delicious pumpkin recipe? Whatever your favorite Halloween tradition, here's hoping you and your family will have a safe, healthy, and Happy Halloween!