Add some healthy fiber to your day with an easy split pea soup!
Here's all you need:
1 large onion
3 Tablespoons margarine or butter
1 1/2 cup split peas, dry
6 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
Now, Let's get cookin -
1. Chop onion. Cook in margarine in a large pan until tender.
2. Wash and drain split peas.
3. Add water, split peas, 1 pound chopped ham, and salt to onion. Bring to boiling.
4. Lower heat and cover pan. Simmer for a couple hours, until thickened.
Healthy eating usually costs less than eating out and you get a whole lot better food! Keep Eating Healthy and enjoy this delicious split pea soup on cold Winter's night! And , for dessert how about some incredible Maple-Apple Bars! Start saving your money and enjoy the simple pleasure of eating healthy foods that you prepare with your family and loved ones!
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