The following was written over a hundred years ago:
"After a good, complete, and copious breakfast, if we take, in addition, a cup of well-made chocolate, digestion will be perfectly accomplished in three hours, and we may dine whenever we like. Out of zeal for science, and by dint of eloquence, I have induced many ladies to try this experiment. They all declared, in the beginning, that it would kill them; but they have all thrived on it"
And here is how to make that cup of well-made chocolate -
Use four ounces of Baker's Chocolate,
one quart of milk,
three tablespoonfuls of hot water,
1 teaspoon of vanilla
and 4 tablespoons of sugar
Cut the chocolate in fine bits. Put the milk on the stove in the
double-boiler, and when it has been heated to the boiling point, put the
chocolate, sugar and water in a small iron or granite-ware pan, and stir
over a hot fire until smooth and glossy. Stir this mixture into the hot
milk, and beat well with a whisk.
Serve at once!
For a little extra flair - put a tablespoonful of whipped cream in each cup and before filling up with your hot chocolate.
This plain chocolate may be used instead of the vanilla, but in that case
use a teaspoonful of vanilla extract and three generous tablespoonfuls
of sugar instead of one.
More about the benefits of chocolate!
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