You ever notice how all those famous chefs and cooks on the cooking channel always seem to have the perfect kitchen? All Clad Copper core cookware. Wusthof knives for every cutting job you might imagine. Always the perfect knife for the chore at hand. Always shiny clean and spotless.
Whatever tool they happen to need is readily available. They never have to go rumaging through the silverware drawer to find that perfectly sharpened Wusthof Chef's knife? Or a little glass bowl to put the chopped onions in until just the right time in the cooking process?
Do you ever wish your kitchen could look like that? I'd settle for finding a clean bowl to put some chopped carrots and green peppers in. Washing dishes has never been my favorite pasttime. Not even in the top 10.
However, there is one thing I always try to keep as clean as possible - my Wusthof knives. If I take good care of them they will serve me for decades to come! I may not look as good as ( pick your favorite cook on the cooking channel ) or have all the flair and natural appeal as some of our more famous TV chefs.
But that doesn't keep me from enjoying cooking with the same quality gourmet cookware they use every day.
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