How about some simple delicious chocolate biscuits to share with your Holiday guests? These rich and tasty treats will have your guests begging for more! You may want to double this recipe and make a couple batches! Happy Holidays!
Cover three large baking pans with paper that has been well oiled with
washed butter.
Over these dredge powdered sugar.
Melt in a cup one ounce of Baker Chocolate.
Separate the whites and yolks of four eggs. Add to the yolks a generous half cupful of powdered sugar, and beat until light and firm.
Add the melted chocolate, and beat a few minutes longer. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff, dry froth.
Measure out three-fourths of a cupful of sifted flour, and stir it and
the whites into the yolks.
The whites and flour must be cut in as lightly as possible, and with very little stirring.
Drop the mixture in teaspoonfuls on the buttered paper.
Sprinkle powdered sugar over the cakes, and bake in a slow oven for about fifteen minutes.
The mixture can be shaped like lady fingers, if preferred.
Enjoy these wonderful Holiday treats with some of your favorite coffee! Or how about with a nice hot cup of your favorite green tea. Might as well have something healthy!
Keep eating healthy foods and Have a Happy New Year!